Each recorder needs to be setup with default meta-data. This meta-data is used when the recorder is started by manual pressing the record button on the device. Besides a default title you also configure default playback and editing permissions.

  • Click (i) to enter default meta-data
  • Enter a default title like room and building code

  • Scroll down to Slide Source
  • Set a slide source. 1 for left section, 2 for right section of the side-by-side recording.
    Based on this setting the server will perform scene detection to make index slides.
  • Scroll to Canvas

The canvas tells OVS how to interpreted a side-by-side recording. The values are based on coordinates in %.  

A double 16:9 input in a centered side-by-side as shown below would become:


  • Scroll down to the bottom and select a group or user that will be given view or edit access.

Optionally you can upload a default image to show on the Live Channels page to represent this recorder

  • Scroll to the top and use Add file.. to upload a jpeg.

  • Commit your changes with OK
  • Don't forget to save your settings before leaving the recorder page!