You can download a backup of your video server configuration, and restore to a previous downloaded setting.


The first part shows you the database and web domain settings. These cannot be changed via the web interface.

The next sections can be changed.

Session timeout limits the session duration for signed-in users. The user will automatically sign-out if during this period no user interaction is detected.

Be aware that session timeout settings can also be configured by the authentication provider (SAML, ADFS). The shortest timeout period will be used.

NOTE: Session timeout is also used to set the duration of the LTI tokens.

Token duration for upload app is used to allow users to stay signed-in to the video server in the Uploader app and Screencast recorder (Webrtc) during the given time (even when their ADFS or SAML account is locked).

Web Domain will be automatically populated during installation. This will be the address communicated with the end-users.

With the Presentations2Go Features key your supported features are enabled. Click on About in the left Menu to check your features. The key is automatically retrieved from the Presentations2Go license server. This key unlocks the features on your platform. With the update button you can force an update too. The feature key is bound to the activation key which you used during installation.

Dash/HLS Streaming engine configuration
The following part configures the streaming engine. This part is needed for live and adaptive streaming.

The Streaming origin address is the domain name of the Apache server which will serve as streaming engine. Include the protocol (https or http) too.

The Proxy/CDN address is needed when you setup a proxy server to lower the load on the file system (only applies the video files which are served via Apache)

Token Auth Encryption key (CDN) is used to setup authentication with an optional Content Delivery Network like Akamai.

Adaptive streaming live directory points to file location where the live content will be stored. In case of a share you can find the password settings in General settings | Assets.

Apache directory is the root install directory of Apache

Unified Streaming license is provided by Presentations2Go. In case you purchases a CDN version you need to update this license yearly.

In case of multiple nodes in a loadbalanced environment you need to provide a key for each node.

The P2G module secret key is use to create a unique token for every session. Enter you own unique key.

NOTE: Updating this section require a restart of Apache.

The Live token expiration is used as fall back validity on a live stream.  When a live stream is accessed by a user, the token validity will be based on the duration (if set) plus the DVR window (30 minutes when enabled). In case the duration is not set above setting will be used.

Download link availability indicates the maximum duration a download link is valid after creation

With the Download password score you can force a minimal password complexity when end-users create a download link with password.

When a download link is created the end-user can set the Maximum download count however, this value can never be more than this value.