
Depending on the recorder capabilities the content will be

  1. Recorded on the recorder disk and publish via CIFS or FTP to a folder on the Presentations 2Go Open Video Server (PREFERRED)
  2. Recorded directly on a shared folder (CIFS) on the Presentations 2Go Open Video Server

After the content is stored on the OVS server the following work-flow will start:

  1. The recording is copied by the recording service into a OVS content container.
  2. The recording is added to the transcoding queue
  3. The transcoding service converts the video into a multi bit-rate / multi resolution streaming format
  4. Meta-data and access permissions are set
  5. The recording becomes available in the OVS catalog.


Recorders with RTMP streaming capabilities can be setup to live stream to a Presentations 2Go RTMP bridge. The bridge will convert and forward the stream into DASH/HLS capable format on the Open Video Server.