
Since august 2017 Safari 11 introduced a feature to enable autoplay video per site. However, default auto-play is disabled for all sites.

  1. You can change how video should behave. Click on Safari > Settings for This Website or right-click the URL box and select Settings for This Website.

2. A pop-up will appear underneath the URL box. There is a listing that says Auto-Play. If you move your cursor over the phrase next to Auto-Play, you will see that it turns into a pop-up menu with three choices:

  • Allow All Auto-Play
  • Stop Media with Sound
  • Never Auto-Play

3. Now click anywhere on the screen to make the pop-up disappear.

You can always go back to this Safari preference if you want to change a setting for a website.


Recent Chrome updated the play behavior. They have disabled previous existing flags. However there is still a way automatically activate autoplay via site settings

  1. Settings
  2. Advanced
  3. Privacy and Security
  4. Site Settings
  5. Sound


Use Add to allow one or more sites.

The syntax is very explicit:  [*.]